Salem 8k

Salem 8k

Friday, January 16, 2009

Brrrrrrr and Other Random Stuff

Ok, I don't mind running in the cold, but the past couple days have been a little ridiculous and it looks like it could remain that way for a couple more. Last night was single digit wind chills, and this morning it was 3 degrees at my house with wind chills of probably -15 or lower. Fortunately my wife purchased me some hard core winter running gear several years ago and it holds up pretty well even to this sort of stuff. I've got a top and pants that I can't even wear unless it's below 15 degrees out, and while thankfully I don't need them very often, they sure are nice when I do. In fact, aside from my face, I really haven't been cold at all. Hopefully I'll be able to continue to say that through my ten miler tonight and my run in the morning. After that I think it's supposed to warm up to at least a more reasonable temperature. What doesn't kill.....

I guess we're fortunate to live where we do. They get this sort of stuff up north all the time and they can keep it. I remember going to a Roanoke College b-ball game a few years ago when they were playing a team from Maine. I came in from running and made a comment about how cold it was and one of their coaches tried to be all macho and reply with something about how this was nothing compared to what they were used to. My smart-aleck response was that only an idiot would choose to live in an area that had weather like that all the time and it didn't mean you were tough it just meant you were stupid. Of course I guess you get used to it and I would take this weather over the 34 degree pouring rain of last week any time.

Speaking of Roanoke College b-ball, they're now 14-1 on the season. I'm very pleasantly surprised. I thought they would be pretty mediocre this year and if they won 16-17 games total it would be a decent season. Barring a colossal collapse, it appears they could be headed to the NCAA tournament for the first time in a while. Very cool!

Anyway, that's about all from me. Running is continuing to go well. I managed to tweak my back while carrying my bag and trying to navigate up the steps and into the house Wednesday night (yes, an old man incident), but it doesn't bother me at all while running and hopefully that will continue to be the case because otherwise I'm feeling better and better every day and looking forward to starting workouts next week. I've gotten with Howard for a plan to ease into some faster stuff over the rest of this month and then we'll hit it full steam in February.

I'll be officiating at the VA Tech Invitational tomorrow. Hope it's a better meet than last week when there were just three girls in both the mile and 3k and only four guys in the mile and six in the 3k (one of whom ran 9:30.14 after being seeded #1 in a race that was won in 8:11 - ha, ha). One thing's for sure, the 5k won't be all that slow because Mike Cox is running. I chatted with him this morning and he said he wasn't feeling great but was gonna "giver all I got." Last time he said something similar was before running 2:20:12 at the Olympic Trials. He may not be totally fit yet, but my guess is he'll do pretty well. Hope everyone has a good weekend!

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