Salem 8k

Salem 8k

Sunday, May 17, 2015

Rising from the Ashes

Looks like it's been almost exactly two months since my last post and what a two months it was! As the VP of I.T., I knew the system conversion project at work would be the most challenging thing I'd done in my professional career, and it lived up to that expectation and then some. Fortunately things went very well overall, but getting there required a focus that left very little time for anything else, and accordingly running went on the back burner. As I type this, I am without a doubt in the worst shape I've been in since college. Actually I would go so far as to say I'm the least fit I've been since I started running consistently in 1992. To complicate things, I'm coming off a hamstring injury that still isn't 100%.

So, my challenge now becomes to see if I can get things together and become a competitive runner again. This whole ordeal has made me realize that I want to give it one more shot, but I have no doubt that, just like the system conversion was the most difficult thing I've done in my work career, this will be the most difficult thing I've done in my running career. In fact, I honestly feel like if I'm able to come back and run in the 16:30 range for 5k, and equivalent for other distances, it would be among my best accomplishments as a runner.

I hope to get back to blogging from here on out, so stay tuned. It's gonna be a long, hard ride, but hopefully you will eventually see me rise from the ashes. Don't call it a comeback!

1 comment:

Steve Surratt said...

Glad to see you back. IT is getting interesting. With Win10 and continuum we'll see phones docking and becoming workstations. Cortana will "assist" as much as she knows about us. Cortana likes blind people so that's good for me.