Salem 8k

Salem 8k

Sunday, December 17, 2023

It's Been a Minute, Blog!

He's baaaaack! Looks like my last post was a little over 3.5 years ago. I guess I could say time flies but some things never change. Back then I was attempting to get back into serious training with a goal of racing fast again, and I've pretty much spent all the time since then failing at that quest for one reason or another. On the good side, I've actually been able to stay fairly healthy in terms of the aches, pains, etc. that often seem to plague us Masters runners. On the downside, I haven't avoided the recovery issues that are the other bane of Masters. Essentially I'll have a good week or two then basically blow up, my overall energy level being the problem. While I haven't aggressively pursued a solution to that, I have tried some things to no avail. A recent blood test just a couple weeks ago did reveal that my red blood cell count was below normal and my hemoglobin and hematocrit on the very low end of normal. The doc didn't think that was an issue though, especially with all my other numbers and my overall health metrics being quite good. Guess that's one of the benefits of being a lifetime athlete! Anyway, this is more or less a short post to revive this blog. I fully plan on regular posts going forward. Many will be about my own training and racing (hopefully), but I also want to do some posts related to general training as well as the local and Masters running scenes. As a side note, I did have to update the title for the blog as I became a Grand Master earlier this year and it's now about seeing what I can do after 50. Man, I'm getting old! That's all for now but stay tuned for lots to come.

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